"Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor. It's anything that stands inbetween you and the life you want to be living."

- Peter Walsh


What do we mean by physical clutter?

Physical clutter are the things taking space in your life, unnecessarily and physical decluttering is to consciously eliminating items that no longer serve purpose or align with life’s goals. It’s about removing things that don’t matter so that one has the space to cherish things that do.


Why physical declutter?

What we think physical clutter costs us
  • Money
  • Physical space
What it actually costs us
  • Freedom of choice
  • Quality of lifestyle
  • Constant dissatisfaction
  • Need for more
  • Financial freedom
  • Environment


How to work on physical clutter?

With the complexities in life, we often overlook the simplest truths. When you clear out things in your space that no longer matter, you're left with only what makes you happy and serves you. It’s obvious, yet how often do we actually think about it?

Let’s look into 5 areas under which you can take simple steps to physically declutter and create a space that you're absolutely in love with-

"Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like."

- Will Rogers

To continue learning more

5 immediate tips

To help you get started on this journey instantly

Remove the extras

We often have a lot of extra things lying around in the house. Extra bottles, extra pens we don't use, extra pairs of shoes that don't fit anymore. Take it one step at a time, remove couple of extras of each.


Define what people can gift you

Create a list of things you love receiving, experiences you enjoy relishing, food and others and begin by sharing it with your close ones at first. Once they see the joy of you receiving something you genuinely wanted, they might be more open to the idea and even ask for your list everytime. This approach makes gifting more thoughtful and fun, turning it into a way to show that you really care.


Donation day

Call out a donation day probably on a weekend and donate as many pieces of clothing you haven't used in the past 6 months (not the seasonal ones) but regularly used pieces that you don't reach out to anymore. Keep a target of donating at least 10 pieces every 6 months (subjective).


Messiest drawer

Declutter the messiest drawer at your home. Pull it out entirely and mindfully go through each piece. Create 3 categories of YES, MAYBE & NO. You can then eliminate the NO, keep the YES and do one more check over the MAYBE pile.


7 day challenge

Take a fun 7 day physical declutter challenge. The rule is simple. The number of items you declutter is the number of days you are in the challenge. For example, on day 4 declutter 4 items, day 7 declutter 7 items and so on.