About Minimalism

think simple.

minimalism is about:



Be it things or relationships, minimalism focuses on keeping the ones which adds value to your life and eliminating the ones which extract value out of your life. Your time is precious. Spend it with the people you love and for the things you care.



When you are clear in your thoughts, it’s easy to keep it simple. Clarity brings attention and keeps you focused on what’s needed. Cluttering in things & relationships, brings you clarity which further brings simplicity – the ultimate sophistication.



As you own more, you realize it's all about having less. As you become entangled with things and people, you grasp the importance of freedom. But to be free, you need space. The less you possess, the more freedom you have in your life. Own less. Be free.

  • Fumio Sasaki
  • Japanese author, editor and minimalist

"Minimalism is not a lack of something but a feeling of contentment with what you have.”

  • Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus
  • American authors, podcasters filmmakers

"If there is a core message within minimalism, it’s this: you probably don’t need that.”

  • MinimalisTee

"A simple and meaningful way of living.."