Understanding concept of minimalism and how it can help us lead a better, simpler & focused life.
Whats Included?

Professional Declutter
Inspite of all the hard work day in, day out, the results don't differ. 33% of the life spent in work, yet it remains clutter for a very long period or often always. Time to declutter it and enjoy what you do.
Digital Declutter
Learn how to take preventive measures on increasing screen time & dependency, before we ourselves become the children we are trying to protect.
Financial Declutter
Let us understand how we can focus on being wealthy instead of being rich, where the money works for us instead the other way around.
Emotional Declutter
Introduction to emotional clutter; the most important yet the most ignored and the least talked. Let us understand how simple steps can lead to healthy relationships and why it is important to drop few relationships, no matter how close they are and how hard it is.
Physical Declutter
Simplifying life through focusing less on accumulation and more on experiences.
Benefits One Will Gain
Live Life
Live the life you wanted to
Well Managed Finances
Save for a better tomorrow
More Space
Remove the clutter from your life
Reduced Screen Time
Break getting into the screen loop
Healthy Relationships
Live life with the people you want to
Increased Focus
Increase attention span substantially
Mayank Bhawsinghka
Founder - Nirmaan
Krishna Singh
Owner - Goldfinn Technologies
Nikhil Dhoot
Co-founder, Carpe Omnia