Think Simple

Think Simple

A Simple Life Is Happy Life When You Let Go Of “Just In Case” Items
by Ayesha Mollah on 22nd May, 2024

Despite how busy times have become and our fleeting attention spans, we still hold onto one belief—a simple life is a happy life.

Yes, simplicity offers us refuge to enjoy the present moment, even when there’s a rush to chase the next. Adapting to change is inevitable in our competitive and ever-evolving world, but choosing simplicity and finding peace in the belief that a simple life is a happy life is still possible.

One simple way to achieve this peace is by letting go of every “just in case” thing that has been piling up in your life.

The “Just-in-Case” Detox

Of course, you wouldn’t wear that “just-in-case” shirt. Stop lying to yourself.

Similarly, those “just-in-case” headphones will never come out of the storeroom, and definitely not those “just-in-case” shoes.

Life moves on, and you learn to live without those “just-in-case” items. They never come out. So, instead of letting them pile up in your storeroom and your life, let them go.

A simple life is a happy life when you choose to declutter every “just-in-case” item from your life.

You're holding onto these “just-in-case” possessions because they once charmed you. Maybe they're still somewhere in your subconscious. But they only clutter your physical space and make it harder to focus on what truly matters.

There’s so much happening around you, competing for your attention, and here you are, bundled up with mere possessions that could be useful on a “just-in-case” day—or not.

Imagine what could be possible with a decluttered space, mind, and life. It could be your gateway to realizing that a simple life is a happy life.

It's important to remember that material possessions are merely sentiments given concrete shape. Instead, let them remain in your heart as a dear memory or a reminder of a beautiful phase. Let the possession go, but keep the memory. You don’t need a physical reminder for that.

If you think letting go of that “just-in-case-you-could-fit-into-it-again shirt” will leave you unmotivated, think again. You don’t need it to encourage you. Instead, act and achieve something so significant that you promise yourself a new reality of that old “just-in-case” version.

Embrace the Power of Minimalism

Letting go of the unnecessary isn’t about giving up everything in life. It’s about investing in the belief that a simple life is a happy life. It’s about choosing a minimalist mindset and practicing it.

Why, you ask?

Minimalism is about choosing quality over quantity, letting go of excess, and making space for what truly matters—experiences, relationships, and peace of mind.

When you are intentional about what you own, you achieve the “simple life is a happy life” in the truest sense. Living a simple life is more than just decluttering your home or reducing possessions—it’s about embracing a mindset that prioritizes intentional living.

Imagine waking up each day with a clear mind, free from the noise of unnecessary distractions. A simple life is like that. It allows you to focus on meaningful relationships, personal growth, and experiences that enrich your soul instead of unnecessary “just-in-case” chaos filling your life—letting happiness flow freely.

A minimalist lifestyle values and appreciates everything that is truly valuable. When you have fewer things, you appreciate each one more. Whether it’s fewer material goods or fewer people in your life, the fewer there are, the more valuable they become. Simplicity is not about sacrifice; it’s about gaining more—more time, more peace, more happiness to make a simple life a happy life.

Practice Mindful Consumption

Being mindful about what you bring into your life can prevent future clutter headaches, help you stay focused, and avoid the accumulation of “just-in-case” items.

Before acquiring new possessions, pause and consider whether they serve a genuine purpose. Similarly, when planning to declutter, weigh whether you’ve used something recently and whether it’s truly “just-in-case.”

Parting ways with possessions can be tough, especially when they hold sentimental value or are tied to “just-in-case” scenarios. Here's a solution: let go with gratitude. Take a moment to thank each item for its service and the memories it holds. Then, send it on its way.

Think with intention and say goodbye with gratitude. And then let it go.

So go ahead, take a deep breath, and walk the path of minimalism to keep life simple, because a “simple life is a happy life.”