Think Simple

Think Simple

5 Ways To Curtail Down The Use Of Credit Cards
by Ayesha Mollah on 6th December, 2023

In today's world, fuelled by consumerism, keeping your credit card spending in limit is a real challenge. Credit cards serve two main purposes: as a substitute for cash and as a ready source of liquidity when you are planning to spend more than you have. So, if you have a scarcity of money in your pocket or in your bank, a credit card is a ready solution. No doubt, it serves as a wonder tool that will fulfil all of your buying wishes irrespective of your fund amount.

However, unrestricted credit card spending leads to a burdening debt. As per the latest RBI report, the existing credit card debt in India is ~ 2.1 trillion, and it has increased 28% more than 2022. The above data shows that it is high time to reduce credit card usage as a responsible individual and citizen.

The following five ways will help you to curtail the use of credit cards by using it mindfully:

Don’t Use Multiple Credit Cards: In many situations, the credit card is necessary, but try to stick to only one credit card until multiple credit cards are absolutely necessary. Multiple card usage increases your credit score altogether, and that, in turn, increases your credit debt. So, to avoid that increasing debt, use a single credit card.

Quick Suggestion: If you are using multiple cards, then carry only one while going out for shopping.


Don’t save the card details on e-commerce platforms: ‘If you want to reduce the consumption (of anything), make it harder to accesses'. The same applies to credit card usage. Impulsive online shopping increases at a significant rate when credit card details are saved on the e-commerce website. Think about any product or service on any e-commerce website, and it is just a click away when the card details have been saved there. If not, then the process becomes longer, and most of the time, the shopping impulse has dried out in the meantime.

Quick Suggestion: You can save the details on the websites that are used for necessities and routine shopping, like groceries and medicines.


Credit cards use carefully

Don’t always carry credit cards: In the previous point, we discussed how a restriction on access to credit cards can curtail the use of it for online shopping. The same can be applied to the in-store shopping as well.


Avoid regularly carrying your credit cards.

The credit card is a source of funds irrespective of the amount in your savings account, and that leads to an unchecked shopping spree if you carry it all the time. Carry it only in the time of planned shopping, and stick to your budget plan while shopping. Overall, this will make unplanned shopping difficult and reduce the unnecessary use of your credit card.

Quick Suggestion: If you want to secure your money supply for the unseen emergency, carry a debit card with limited fund.


Limit the spending amounts: Unwise use of credit cards can result in a sizable monthly bill. Remember that the effective and secure use of credit cards lies in self-control. Regardless of your credit balance, establish a daily spending limit to avoid exceeding your budget. Limiting your credit card amount guards your spending and saves more funds for the future. It not only helps you significantly reduce impulse shopping with a big price tag but also secures your credit balance.

Quick Suggestion: If you anticipate a planned purchase exceeding your daily limit, adjust it the day before. Ensure to reset the limit after completing your purchase for effective control.



Make a shopping list and stick to it: Have you ever been carried away to buy a newly launched product just because it looked good on the shelves? If yes, then you are not alone.

Planning is one of the most effective ways to curb unnecessary consumption, and the same applies to credit card usage. The planned way of shopping will help you to use your credit more mindfully and strategically. The first part of the planning is to make a shopping list before going to a store or opening your e-commerce app and shop only according to the list.

Quick Suggestion: You can allot a predetermined amount for impulse shopping, but refrain from exceeding that limit.



Curtailing the use of credit cards isn’t impossible with the right strategies and when planned and managed well, one can wisely manage their money too.


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