Think Simple

Think Simple

5 Tiny (But Powerful) Women’s Day Resolutions To Make Life Easier
by Ayesha Mollah on 8th March, 2025
women empowerment

Every year on Women's Day, we celebrate, appreciate, and promise to uplift each other. There are so many videos, advertisements, campaigns, and even life-changing words of advice that promise a better world for us.

But to be honest-what we often need more than grand speeches or roses is a life that feels just a little bit easier. Wouldn't it be just wonderful if the promise of life being a smooth sail was actually one?

Juggling career, home, and everything in between, we have forgotten to take a breather for ourselves, and surprisingly, through the years, I have realised that it doesn't require any extraordinary change. With just the tiniest shifts, making the biggest difference is possible. It is possible to be the woman that these Women's Day campaigns attempt to create.

So, instead of grand statements that fizzle out by March, here are five small but powerful changes to embrace this Women's Day-ones that actually simplify life and make every day feel a little lighter.

1. No more 'I will do it all' syndrome

We women have this built-in instinct to take charge of everything. At work, we step up for extra projects; at home, we manage 10 tasks at once; and in our social circles, we ensure everyone feels cared for.

But ask yourself this-who's taking care of us? I know how tired it feels at moments and that urge to just shut everything down and sleep or stare at the sky without a care. My dear women, it's time you also took care of yourself, and in the madness of playing the role of that in-built caregiver, remember to be kind to yourself.

So, here's the resolution you must make right now: Delegate without guilt.

  • At work, let go of the need to prove you can handle everything solo.

  • At home, divide responsibilities fairly-ask for help without feeling like you are failing.

  • With friends, allow yourself to say, "Not today, but I'd love to next time."

Because being capable doesn't mean doing it all alone; it means being smart about what we surround ourselves with. And isn't Women's Day the perfect excuse to start introducing the change?

2. The '5-minute' pause rule

Life throws a lot at us-emails, tantrums (from kids or co-workers), unexpected changes, and last-minute deadlines. And in the heat of the moment, we react before we even realise it. I know I have done it a lot, and there has been that guilt of going back in time and changing it.

So, what have I learned? Pause for 5 minutes before reacting. (Your resolution to abide by)

It is always important to give yourself a little pause before you decide how you wish to react, and that little 5-minute pause can choose everything and change how the story unfolds.

And what can you do to ensure less damage and more thoughtfulness?

  • Before responding to a frustrating email, take a deep breath and sip coffee.

  • Before answering a toddler meltdown with your own meltdown, step away for a moment.

  • Give yourself time to think before saying "yes" to another commitment.

A short pause is a great technique for turning stress into clarity, chaos into calm, and giving yourself a little breather before reacting so that you can turn your reaction into a more constructive response. And honestly, isn't that what we all need, Women's Day or not?

3. Guilt-free 'Me Time'

Yes, it's important that these are guilt-free because we all do take a break now and then, but what really stops it from turning into a positive break is that nagging guilt, which you let creep in unmindfully (and sometimes even mindfully).

We book meetings, schedule doctor's appointments, plan playdates, and remember what not for the people who matter to us-but what about the person that's YOU?

Somehow, in the process of remembering every little thing about everyone else, we forget ourselves. And if by some miracle you end up actually doing a little something for yourself? Hello, guilt.

So, here's the resolution you need to commit to: Prioritise "me time" as non-negotiable.

  • A 15-minute walk alone is not selfish.

  • A quiet cup of coffee before the day starts is necessary.

  • Reading a book, watching a show, or doing absolutely nothing is productive in its own way.

We can't pour from an empty cup, so let's stop telling ourselves otherwise. This Women's Day, let's commit to guilt-free recharging.

4. Less 'Sorry,' more 'Thank You'

Did you just let out a sigh and smile? I feel you.

We women have been wired to say sorry so much more than we actually need to be that we have forgotten that we can say otherwise. We feel that it is always a mistake on our end that something happened or didn't work out.

So, this Women's Day, let's promise ourselves that from now on, we will be kinder to ourselves and start saying'Thank You' more than 'Sorry.'

And the resolution we need to take: Shift from apologising to appreciating.

  • "Sorry, can I ask a question?" → Try: "I have a question."

  • "Sorry, I'm late!" → Try: "Thank you for waiting."

  • "Sorry, I can't take this on." → Try: "I appreciate the opportunity but can't commit right now."

It will take time, but stop saying "sorry" when it's not even necessary. You will start noticing that this small habit has changed your mindset and reinforced the confidence and self-worth that has gotten under the rug for quite some time now.

So, this Women's Day, promise to try it for a week-you will be amazed at how powerful it feels. I did!

5. Decluttering the mental 'To-Do List'

If you are anything like me, your mind is a never-ending checklist, and you are constantly working overtime because it just doesn't shut down. And right now, writing about it has got me thinking about it and being worried about it on a loop. Here's what is going on right now:

☑ Buy groceries

☑ Submit the report

☑ Call Dad

☑ Remember to drink water (and then forget anyway)

I am sure most of you will always relate with me that we have something or the other going on in our heads. But the truth is we need to stop. The weight of this invisible to-do list is exhausting, and if we don't take action now, I am sure we will end up losing our sanity.

And here's the resolution that I think we need to take: Offload and organise.

  • Use a simple to-do app or a notebook to write things down-trust me, it clears up so much mental space.

  • Set reminders for the smallest things so you don't have to hold them in your head.

  • Say no to non-essential tasks-not everything needs to be done by you, or even at all!

A decluttered mind is a peaceful mind. And isn't that the best gift to give yourself this Women's Day?

Final Thoughts

Small shifts, tiny habits, and a whole lot of self-love can create the kind of change that truly lasts.

We will always have a lot on our plate, and if we don't start organising it sooner, it is only we who will be left with a mess. So here's toless stress, more ease, and the simple joys that make life beautiful.

This Women's Day, let's celebrate by making life easier for ourselves. Let's introduce habits that add value and help us grow so that it's always a Happy Women's Day!

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This blog was written by Ayesha Mollah, a professional blogger who has embraced minimalism since 2023. Being on the minimalism journey is helping her find her "focus" amidst the chaos.