There is no surprise in the fact that minimalism encourages living with less, but what do we truly save when we start embracing a more intentional and meaningful living?
Of course, there is more space and less clutter, but when we truly adopt minimalism, we save much more than the obvious. We transform our mindset and lifestyle, making way for more purposeful choices and habits that aren’t just a trend in our lives but rather a way of life that brings clarity and freedom.
Let’s see what we genuinely save by living with less.
Of course, the most valuable thing we save is time—the most precious resource in our lives that minimalism allows us to reclaim.
Fewer possessions in life means spending less time maintaining and organizing them. Minimalism doesn’t just teach us to spend fewer hours managing a life filled with unnecessary items but rather focus and appreciate what really matters. On the surface, living with less might sound like fewer purchases or donations. But, in its truest sense, it is about pursuing thoughts, hobbies, values, and a meaningful lifestyle - a passion for something, spending time with loved ones, or simply enjoying a quiet moment for ourselves.
Here’s a simple tip: You can read this blog to get started on the minimalism journey and see for yourself the difference it makes.
A book that inspires me: “Deep Work” by Cal Newport, discusses the importance of managing our time better. You can check the book here.
A line that stuck with me – “If you give your mind something meaningful to do throughout all your waking hours, you’ll end the day more fulfilled, and begin the next one more relaxed… what it means to live, and not just exist.”
Most people don’t realise that consuming more will only lead to debt. Consumer culture encourages us to buy more, but minimalism asks us to reconsider what we really need.
It is not just the cost of the initial purchase but think about all the money that goes into storing, maintaining, repairing, and even cleaning each of our possessions. Living with less helps us prioritize what adds value to our lives rather than chasing after material pleasures. Furthermore, it can also curb our impulsive purchases and instead only focus on what is more meaningful; for instance, gifting your loved one experiences is any day more valuable (and lovable) over an expensive watch or jewellery.
Here’s a simple tip: With the money saved, you can invest in traveling or learning a new skill.
A book that inspires me: “The Joy of Less” by Francine Jay, offers an easy guide to begin minimalist living and embrace the idea of living with less. You can check the book here.
A line from the book that stuck with me: “He who knows he has enough is rich.”
Imagine all the stress surrounding a cluttered environment and the decision fatigue it causes! Clutter has a draining effect on mental energy, but when we start living with less, we create space for clarity and peace.
Whether it’s physical, digital, emotional, financial, or even professional clutter, embracing a minimalist approach towards all saves us significantly from things that don’t deserve our attention and mental space. Our mind is no longer burdened by the noise of “stuff” that distracts us from living in the present moment. The calm environment helps us focus more on people and things that matter most to us. We regain our ability to relax and recharge ourselves, freeing us from stress and anxiety.
Here’s a simple tip: There are recurring negative thought patterns that stop us from living our true potential. We need to take control of these. Read this blog to learn how to break free from these thought patterns.
A book that inspires me: S. J. Scott and Barrie Davenport’s “Declutter Your Mind” is a light-hearted read that takes us back to our happy place (and mind). You can check the book out here.
A line from the book that stuck with me– “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it’s all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” – Marcus Aurelius.”
Living with less isn’t just beneficial to your own life; it’s also kinder to the planet.
We often forget about the impact our actions and choices have on our environment. However, the planet doesn’t because everything we consume leaves our planet gasping for life. Minimalism helps us live in an eco-conscious manner as it encourages us to practice mindful purchasing and eliminate unnecessary accumulation of waste. What may seem a small change is an impactful choice that goes towards making a meaningful footprint on the environment.
Here’s a simple tip: As hard as it may seem, I say no to plastic and would encourage you to practice the same. Carry your own cloth or jute bag when shopping for groceries or fashion.
A book that inspires me: “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate” by Naomi Klein, helps understand why consumerism culture, triggered by capitalism, is the root cause for everything bad about the climate today. Read it if you wish to be a change agent. Click here to check the book.
A line from the book that stuck with me: “Our economic system and our planetary system are now at war…Only one of these sets of rules can be changed, and it’s not the laws of nature.”
When we start believing in and adopting the idea of living with less, we break free from the idea that our worth is tied to what we own.
There is an invisible weight that we continuously carry with us—an emotional weight—because of the things we own in life. Whether it’s guilt over unused items or the pressure to maintain a certain image, possessions turn into burdens without us even realising it. When we live with less, we free ourselves from these emotional ties and gain a sense of liberation.
Here’s a simple tip: Let go of things that don’t serve us emotionally. Instead, focus only on what matters more—our relationships, our peace of mind, and, most importantly, our sense of purpose.
A book that inspires me: “The Comfort Book” by Matt Haig, is a must for various reasons, but the reason why I keep going back to it now and then is simply because of its ability to provide me with comfort—imagine a sudden cooling rain on a hot sticky afternoon. That’s exactly what the book is about. Check the book here.
A line from the book that stuck with me: “You have survived everything you have been through, and you will survive this too. Stay for the person you will become.”
By living with less, we start living with more meaning and purpose in our life. So, what’s stopping you. Start your minimalism journey today to experience the magic of simplicity.
This blog was written by Ayesha Mollah, a professional blogger who has embraced minimalism since 2023 and is on the path toward understanding and accepting the greater meanings of life.